Our sustainable development goals include taking action to combat climate change and participating in building sustainable cities and communities. We are committed to protecting the environment and we make every effort to reduce our carbon footprint and engage in sustainable business practices.
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Notre projet de calculateur d’impact écologique :
Nous travaillons sur un projet de calculateur de l’impact écologique des prestations de propreté, afin d’alimenter les bilans carbone de nos clients. Actuellement expérimenté sur 4 sites de 4 secteurs clés : santé, tertiaire, agroalimentaire et industrie, il sera à l’avenir étendu à d’autres métiers.
Par ailleurs, notre projet pour 2021 est d’obtenir la certification Ecolabel Européen de nos services de propreté, d’ores et déjà obtenu par Samsic Italia en 2019. Après un premier déploiement sur le campus du Crédit Agricole de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, notre objectif est de certifier 50 sites s’ici 2023. Samsic est la première grande entreprise du secteur en France à se conformer à ce label.
We support the ecological transition of our customers by providing more eco-responsible products and services. We do this by improving our methods and equipment, choosing eco-labelled products and training our employees. By getting our entire value chain involved, we can provide a total green solution.
To reduce the environmental impact of our activities, we regularly review our energy consumption in terms of water, electricity and fuel, as well as greenhouse gas emissions. The development of our electronic car fleet confirms our commitment to significantly reduce our carbon footprint in the years to come.
To reduce our carbon footprint, in 2016 we initiated our paperless process to standardize our processes and helped us increase flexibility in the use of our data. Several paperless workflows were dematerialized, including customer and supplier invoicing, preparation and securing of pay slips, etc.